[please note: some explicit language is used in this episode so please be aware if you’re listening around children.]
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are you in the diagnosis process right now and that process is really long and extended? maybe you’re in the stages of first concerns or you’re even post-diagnosis, and you’re asking yourself, “now what?”
in this episode, I’m joined by Chelsea Farmer, an autism parent with a passion for sharing her life and encouraging others who are on their own autism journeys. we discuss our shared goals to normalize the emotions that arise throughout the diagnosis process and the healing that can follow.
this episode will help you:
- identify how to navigate early concerns and the diagnostic process
- highlight many of the emotions that parents commonly experience throughout the autism journey
- learn how to shift to a healing and acceptance journey post-diagnosis
Chelsea is someone who is willing to share so openly and remind others they are not alone in this journey and I am blessed to be able to share our conversation. follow Chelsea for more autism experiences and encouragement on Instagram @chelseamfnfarmer.
in this episode, I mention my diagnostic services and my group coaching program to support autism parents! to learn more about these services, DM me or email at admin@drtaylorday.com.
other places you can learn from me >>