63 | Q+A: my child just got diagnosed. now what?

in today’s episode, I am answering a frequently asked question. we dive into next steps after your child gets diagnosed. we cover: processing your emotions, reading the report, deciding on intervention approaches, navigating the school system, and learning about neurodiversity. dr. tay also shares insights on what she says to parents during the feedback session.


⚡️ resources to learn more about neurodiversity >>

Start Here: A guide for parents of autistic kids

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)

⚡️ join the Evolve Facebook community to participate in the episode Q+As >> facebook.com/groups/evolveautism

⚡️ learn from me and submit your questions [could be featured on a future episode] >>

Instagram @the.dr.tay

TikTok @the.dr.tay

LinkedIn @the-dr-tay

⚡️ want to learn more about Dr. Tay’s Whole Family Approachᵀᴹ and current services offered? schedule a free consult call here or email admin@drtaylorday.com if you have questions.

DISCLAIMER >> anything shared on this podcast should not be considered clinical advice, and you should consult with your team of medical, mental health, and developmental providers if you need support.