Meet Dr. Tay | Concierge Therapy & Autism Diagnosis

Meet Dr.Taylor Day

A child psychologist with expertise in the early diagnosis and intervention of autism

**Available to patients in 30+ states nationwide. Click to see where.

Dr. Tay


Clinical Psychologist

Did you know autism can be diagnosed in children as young as 14 months of age? Parents typically are told to "wait and see" despite having concerns about their child's development. And far too often doctors are looked at as the experts of children, when in reality — that's you — the parent! This is a necessary shift your child deserves as your entire family navigates autism. 

I believe in collaborating with the families I work with, where we bring our expertises together - you as the expert of your child and me as an expert of autism. So the next question likely becomes “why should we partner with you as our child’s provider?” As a child psychologist, my specialty  is in autism diagnosis and therapy, especially for young children. I have over a decade of experience conducting gold-standard evaluations for autism and research to advance knowledge about early autism signs with over 25 peer-reviewed publications/book chapters. My training was completed at prestigious autism centers, including Florida State University where I earned my PhD, Duke University where I completed my clinical internship/residency training, and the University of Pittsburgh which were the capstones of my training - post-baccalaureate and post-doctoral.


Peer Reviewed
Publications/Book Chapters


Years Conducting Evaluations
& Research For Autism

So let’s be real…

why does all of this matter and how does this help your family?

My robust research and clinical training shaped the care I provide today.

I am invested in supporting your family. Autism impacts more than the individual diagnosed; it shifts approaches and strategies used by all members of the family.

Seeing this gap, and facilitating therapies that include the entire family as part of therapy has changed the game for our patients.

I believe that:

You deserve care in and outside of hourly sessions. Your child's needs should be cared for as they are happening, not within an hourly timeblock.

While your child is the one that is autistic, this diagnosis impacts your entire family. Care needs to extend beyond the child's needs and into the entire support system that they are living within.

Introducing The Whole Family Approach™

All services in the practice focus on autistic children as well as their parents, siblings, and other caregivers. When you choose to work with us, you have unlimited access to your provider to ask questions and gain the support you need. Within this method, we encourage a collaborative experience between you and your provider — with you leading as the expert in your child.

Your family is so much more than a number to me. You deserve  high touch, high quality care. When working together, we develop a partnership to address the goals you present with. We understand autism and the uniqueness of how your child’s brain thinks and tailor the approach to what your child needs. We will meet you where you are at now in your child’s autism journey and collaborate and support you to a place where your entire family can truly thrive. 

Book a complimentary call today. On this call, we will chat about your needs and determine the next best steps for you. If our practice isn’t an ideal fit, we will help to facilitate how you can find other providers. And join our Facebook group designed for parents of autistic children. I do weekly lives there and provide resources to support your family!

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For Personal Growth & Empowerment For Autism Parents