ABOUT THIS EPISODE (+ scroll for resources)
Dr. Tay welcomes Kayla Castro to the podcast, a certified autism travel professional and parent to an autistic child. this episode focuses on the fears, challenges, and joys of traveling as an autism family. Kayla shares her family’s story and provides practical advice on how to navigate travel with autistic family members. the conversation includes tips on how to make travel more accessible, including the use of the Disability Access Service Pass at Disney and the TSA Cares Initiative. Kayla also discusses tools and strategies to prepare your child for travel. the episode offers a comprehensive guide to autism-friendly travel.
(0:00:00) – introduction and description of a certified autism travel professional
(0:05:00) – sharing her family’s autism story and their travel experiences
(0:10:48) – IBCCES and certified autism centers (learn more here)
(0:12:17) – Disability Access Service Pass at Disney and Accessibility Cards for other theme parks
(0:21:36) – TSA Cares Initiative and other flying accomodations
(0:28:29) – sunflower lanyard (get yours here)
(0:32:00) – preparation for trips, including front-loading, YouTube, and picky eating
(0:35:10) – a deeper discussion around fear
(0:41:30) – travel services Kayla provides for families
connect with Kayla on Instagram and via email. and visit her website to learn more about her services and offerings and read her blog.
want to learn more about Dr. Tay’s Whole Family Approachᵀᴹ and current services offered? schedule a free consult call here or email admin@drtaylorday.com if you have questions.
join the Evolve Facebook community to participate in the episode Q+As >> facebook.com/groups/evolveautism
learn from me and submit your questions [could be featured on a future episode] >>
*please note: in this episode, many terminologies and phrases are used to describe autism. Dr. Tay honors what each child and family prefers, and intentionally chooses to use affirming and identity-first language after listening to autistic adults and their preferences. various guests on the podcast are likely to use the language that they have been exposed to the most.